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Life Success Nuggets


There are only six Motivation Assassinators. Answer
these six questions to help you discover which most
often come after you.

1. Do you start out with a goal, a picture in your
mind of where you want to go, and you’re really
excited about achieving it, and then after three days
you just don’t think about it again? This
motivation assassinator is known as too little
focus. The neat thing about this MA is that
many times this one keeps the others from ever
being able to come after you at all.

2. Do you find the words “This is just too hard, I
can’t do this,” or, “I don’t want to do this” going
through your mind or even coming out of your
mouth? That MA is known as your negative
belief system. This one comes against people
and much of the time they don’t even realize it’s
happening. The negative belief system is the biggest
liar. That one is not true, but we’re convinced in our
mind that it is.

3. Can you think of opportunities where you
could have exercised but simply chose not to? You
chose to watch television or work on the computer
or take a nap or whatever? Can you think of
times where you knew you should have chosen water
or juice, but did what you’d always done and had
soda pop or beer instead? That motivation
assassinator is known as habit. Habit is the
sneakiest of all the MAs.

4. Have you ever found yourself in an argument
with your spouse? I mean, it gets tense, it gets
heated, and when you see it’s not going your way,
you run for the brownies. That one is an
emotional reaction, and it’s the most

5. Have you attended an event not planning to
eat, then ate because everyone else was eating?
That MA is your social influence. The
neat thing about this one is it can be transformed
the easiest.

6. Have you found yourself without a minute to
spare for exercise or for making wise food choices?
This MA is the most common in the 21st
Century, and it’s known as time management.


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