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Are You Doing What You Love To Do?
  by Donna Krech

We respectfully read the inscriptions in the granite surrounding the WWII Memorial.  We were both moved by the words about our flag forever standing for freedom and fortitude.  We headed toward the Korean War Memorial and were silent as we studied the faces of the statues representing men who fought for us there.  We imagined and discussed the families those men and women had left here at home.  As we read the words of the Gettysburg address in the Lincoln Memorial, my husband commented on how such an enormous temple was erected to a man who failed at almost everything he ever attempted, except one thing.  I was excited and inspired and said, "He found what he was born to do.  He found what he loved and he thrived at it."

This moved me because this is what I believe about all of us.  We are created to do something special, something we have a gift for before we're ever born.  Abraham Lincoln found his something special and changed the world forever with it.  I don't think you and I are any different, I just think most of us stop short of doing what we love and settle for doing what we're ok with.

My excitement turned to tears as I watched the man I adore move his quivering finger slowly across the name of his dear, light-hearted friend who, at 20 years of age, gave his life for his country in Vietnam.  Looking at Terry's name engraved in that wall made his death very, very real for John all over again, and my heart ached for my husband.  I found myself thinking about his mother and the agony she must have suffered when she learned of her baby's death.  I thought of the wife he would never know, the children he would never have, the life he would never live.   

My hope is two-fold for sharing this story with you today.  First, we need to wrap our minds around the fact that LIFE IS SHORT!  Whether your years here number 15 or 115, the time is short in the grand scheme of things.  Second (and very much backed up by the first) we need to be doing what we love so we're happy and making the best difference we can possibly make while we're here.  Doing what we love not only increases the happiness and satisfaction factors in our lives, it also increases the likelihood of our success in virtually all areas of our lives, our weight and fitness, our business success, our relationships, you name it...

Perhaps you've gathered from my story that this past weekend I went to Washington DC with my husband.  I also spent some time each evening with folks I admire.  One was in business, the other in ministry.  We walked and walked and walked (if you've ever traveled with me, you know this is my favorite way to explore!).  Sometime Saturday night it occurred to me how these few days were truly a culmination of who I am... all in one weekend!! 

"What does that have to do with me, Donna?" you may justifiably be asking. 

My answer is simple.  I can show you how to tap into the indescribably wonderful world of doing what you love to do and make a fantastic living doing it.  If you're not exactly sure what that is, I can even help with that.

I have been quite blessed in my life.  My husband and I have overcome four cancers; two with zero percent cure rates.  I've known million-dollar success in business.  I've mastered the art of connecting with very well known people and more importantly, I've learned how to teach others to do the same.  I've taught small business leaders how to increase their business without investing any money, and I know how to recreate businesses so they can be new again.  I've been told I have the body of a 19-year-old (I'm going to be 46) and I've kept weight off for years.  I know the peace and joy that can be found in life to replace anxiety and depression and lack of confidence.  I've become quite proficient at helping people overcome the obstacles that hold them back, and even more so at helping them see how truly easy it is to move toward what they want.

This past weekend I got to see all the things and people I love put into one weekend, and I was again reminded that what I love to do is teach you how to accomplish your dreams by doing what you want to do. 

Friday, John and I spent exploring the Capitol.  I remembered why I love this man so much as we discussed and practiced throughout the weekend what we teach about keeping marriages healthy and alive. 

I had the experience of travel!  I love to travel!!!  It can be to a place like DC that I've been to time and time again and I still love it!  And I love to share with people how to make the most of their experiences.  Regardless of your income level, I can teach you how to travel in style! 

I visited with Yanik Silver Friday night.  Yanik is a 33-year-old multi-millionaire who's figured out how to make TONS of money in his sleep.  He's driven to succeed and LOVES to talk marketing and spend adventurous times with friends.  He drives an Aston Martin and has a new 8,000 square foot home.  He's also crazy about Missy, his wife, who will give birth to their second child this Friday.  Yanik and I have a cool relationship.  He's asked me several times why I'm not sharing with others more of what I've done to become so successful.  I'll be sure to tell him I'm sharing this with you. :>)

Andy Miller was there too.  He's one the highest paid sales management trainers in the world.  His license plates read GRATEFUL because he recovered from a life-threatening illness.  Rob Olec was also there.  Rob spent the evening serving others by making dinner for Yanik's family, building a toy for Zak, Yanik's son, and he prepared appetizers, poured wine, and moved furniture that Yanik needed moved.  In short, he served his friends.  'Nuf said; my friends have their priorities right.  

Saturday we toured several museums and relived lots of history.  My patriotism was stirred to the point of passion.  Should you and I get to spend time together one day, I can show you how easy it is to stir up the passion in your life. 

Saturday evening we went to Ebenezer's Coffee House and listened to Mark Batterson speak.  Mark is the author of In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day, a book that is causing a breakthrough in my life.  I CAN'T WAIT to share its message with the world.  I got to interview Mark after he spoke.  He's an amazing guy. 

He's amazing for several reasons, one of which being that he's a pastor.  His church is as 21st century as they come.  It is a multi-church, meaning it has multiple venues, many services, some of which are done via video and none of which has a steeple.  His congregation is 78% single 20-somethings and his passion is clear.  He believes God wants us to live on the offense, not the defense.  Rather than running away from what we don't want to have happen, Mark is convinced God wants us to fervently run toward all the blessings He has in store for us. 

So there's another thing I love - studying for myself and then telling other people just how crazy God is about each and every one of us!!!  We can't even imagine the enormity of the blessings He has for us if we'll only accept them. 

Sat. night I spent a romantic dinner with my love.  We talked and talked and talked.

Sunday we shopped.  OK, I love to do that too.  But more so, I love the fact that I can do it.  Remember, I was once uncertain as to how I would feed my child.  Being able to shop just because I want to is still something I am so grateful for.

I spent the weekend doing what I love, and I pretty much keep those things in mind with all that I do everyday.  Now I am sharing the story with you so you can begin doing what you love, no matter what that might be.  I am confident I can help you do that.  I can help you make your life easier, your business brilliant and your body fantastic.  If you'd like to spend a couple days with me in my home, sitting together, learning together, creating your amazing future together, click here and I'll get you information on what's coming up shortly. 


Until next time, keep thin-king positively and powerfully!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS  Have you become part of yet?

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